Open doors with ‘die Maus’

Last week, we had special visitors: ‚die Maus‘ came for a visit along many small and ‘big’ children. 
Under the theme ‘Technology for an inclusive future’, we set up four interactive stations as part of #TürenAufMitDerMaus2024, where young and old could playfully 

  • explore 3D printing, 
  • immerse themselves in Austrian sign language,
  • learn about how circuits and LEDs work, and
  • reflect on what solidarity actually means.
Children, a mother and researchers at the four stations. 3D printed mice and coins, glowing mouse hand puppets are made, a story is read aloud, and learning sign language is prepared.
Impressions from the “ZusammenTun” (collaborating) with the Maus.

Many thanks to our curious visitors, who participated wonderfully and with great interest at each station.
We look forward to seeing you again next year!

More information about the event can be found on the ‘Türen auf mit der Maus’ Website

You can also find further impressions on our new Instagram channel.