
  • Open doors with ‘die Maus’
    Last week, we had special visitors: ‚die Maus‘ came for a visit along many small and ‘big’ children. Under the theme ‘Technology for an inclusive future’, we set up four interactive stations as part of #TürenAufMitDerMaus2024, where young and old could playfully  Many thanks to our curious visitors, who participated wonderfully and with great interest at… Read more: Open doors with ‘die Maus’
  • Dazzling contributions at MuC24
    ACCESSTECH had a strong presence at this year’s „Mensch und Computer“ (MuC) in Karlsruhe, Germany. Founded in 2001, the MuC conference is the largest conference series on human-computer interaction in Europe. Almost the entire ACCESSTECH team was on site to present our work and goals in various workshops, paper presentations and panel discussions to an… Read more: Dazzling contributions at MuC24
  • Lunchtime Lecture Monday, 13.05.2024 (12:00!): Ruadhán James Flynn
    We sponsor a lunchtime lecture at the HCI Group and are happy to let you know we invited Ruadhán James Flynn to tell us about “Whose Standpoint Matters? Imagining Disability Justice”. Please find all information directly at the website of the HCI Group or in the video (in ÖGS).
  • ÖGGF Gender Lecture
    Videos show content in International Sign (left) and Austrian Sign Language (right). On Tuesday, March 19th 2024 at 6pm, Katta Spiel will give an online talk on “Tech-Utopias between Cyborgs and Care – What Access has to do with Solidarity and Feminism”. It will be given in German and interpreted to Austrian Sign Language. The… Read more: ÖGGF Gender Lecture