ACCESSTECH is starting out

Videos show content in International Sign (left) and Austrian Sign Language (right).

As the team assembles, we are happy to present this web page to you now. It will serve as an invitation and communication platform for our results as well as an archive of our activities. Please feel free to reach out with your feedback at any time! Also let us know if you’re interested in collaborating with us. You do not have to be an academic!

ÖGGF Gender Lecture

Videos show content in International Sign (left) and Austrian Sign Language (right).

On Tuesday, March 19th 2024 at 6pm, Katta Spiel will give an online talk on “Tech-Utopias between Cyborgs and Care – What Access has to do with Solidarity and Feminism”. It will be given in German and interpreted to Austrian Sign Language. The talk is part of the ÖGGF Lecture Series on Current Positions in Gender Studies. ÖGGF stands for Gender Studies Association Austria. They request you register at office{at}

Poster Version of the Invitation in German. All information has been put in text already.